2021 grant winners

Jillian Austin - “BLM: The Musical” Presented by Daz Waller and Troy Heard

Venus Cobb - “Pit Stain Trio” Presented by the Maryann Kaufman Family Foundation

RuBen Permel - “ICU” Presented by Victoria Bradshaw Family Foundation

Ginger Land-Van Buuren - “Black Swan” Presented by Karen Camp

Chuck Rounds - “Elements of Society” Presented by Rita Rudner and Martin Bergman



SoHo Playhouse is excited to launch $10,000 in grants to fund the visions of four local Las Vegas theatre artists.

Our mission is to bring Off-Broadway style theater to Las Vegas. To us, that means giving the theater-makers of Las Vegas the means to realize their visions. We are not here to impose NYC values on your arts community. Rather, this initiative is a continuation of our efforts at our flagship NYC theater to platform local/Fringe artists.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors—Karen Camp, the Victoria Bradshaw Family Foundation, the Kaufman family, and Rita Rudner and Martin Bergman—we are able to offer four artists one $2500 grant each towards the development of their project. And the involvement of these donors will not end with their donation.

Selected artists will have access to the mentorship of not only these donors (they are all as passionate about new works as the artists whose projects they will fund), but also the decades-long experience of our Artistic Director, Darren Lee Cole.


These guidelines may seem rather ambiguous, and that’s intentional.

We didn’t come all the way to Vegas to tell you how to do theater… we want to see what you bring to the table! We are not looking for anything in particular. We are counting on you to show us what Vegas theater is all about.

That being said, we seek projects with a compelling narrative thread, whatever that may mean to you.


These grants are open to Las Vegas theatrical performers of all disciplines, whether that means comedy, drama, dance, or something entirely different. If your project belongs on the stage, we want to see it.

Essentially, we need three things from you:

  1. A five-minute video excerpt showcasing your project, however that might manifest. You can perform text, or represent your project in some other way. This video does not by any means have to be professionally produced. After all, the project you are submitting should be intended for the stage. Feel free to film with your iPhone. Please submit this video as a Vimeo link, and be sure to include a password if there is one.

  2. A one-page description of your project and what is motivating you as you move forward with it. We want to hear about where you’re at in the creative process (complete script? still in the works? etc), why you believe in your vision, and why you are excited about the prospect of developing it with SoHo Playhouse.

  3. A one-page CV. This is simply an opportunity for us to learn about you. Trust us, we’re more concerned with your project than your work experience or exam results.

You will include three these items, in addition to the other information called for (full name, address, email, and contact telephone number) in the application form below.

We will begin accepting applications at 12:01am on Tuesday, February 9th. The portal will close at 11:59pm on Monday, March 15th. Entries received after this time will not be considered.

Please read the Terms and Conditions for entry into our SoHo Playhouse Grant Competition in full, available below. You must agree to the T&Cs, Privacy Policy, and comply with all entry requirements in order to enter.


All applications will be reviewed by the team at SoHo Playhouse—helmed by our Artistic Director, Darren Lee Cole—and a panel of judges. This panel’s constituents will be announced shortly.

From the initial pool of applicants, we will invite short-listed artists to interview with Darren and meet our SoHo Playhouse team. You will be asked to submit a writing sample of at least 15-20 pages in length. You will also be asked to perform/discuss a segment of your show for our panel. (More on this later!)

We will ultimately select four candidates as recipients of our $2500 grants. These grants will be used towards the development of your project. Selected artists will also be invited to participate in writing workshops hosted by SoHo Playhouse and Darren Lee Cole. 

1. Terms of Grant Application

No action on behalf of SoHo Playhouse is guaranteed by the submission of an audition/script. Applicant may not receive any correspondence following the submission of an audition. If an applicant is invited for a second-round audition, this does not guarantee that they will receive a $2500 grant from SoHo Playhouse. 

 2. Grant Information

If a project is selected, the respective theater artist will receive $2500 in grant money from SoHo Playhouse. A successful Applicant shall be paid the sum of  $2500 payable on April 1, 2021. 

 This grant money must be used exclusively towards the development of the project in question. If the awarded $2500 is used towards some other expense, Applicant risks legal action, and will be stripped of “grant recipient” status as well as the monetary award itself.

 Applicant must also agree to: 

  • Meet and offer analysis, ideas, and notes with regard to text and staging to SoHo Playhouse creative team members and artistic staff, for example, at concept or design meetings, before rehearsals begin and until project is complete.

  • Report regularly to designated SoHo Playhouse Contact on the development and rehearsal of the Play.

  • Provide support, if needed, in the management and distribution of script and script changes up to and during the rehearsal process.

  • Provide research materials as needed and agreed upon for distribution to cast and creative team (such as actor packets or research binders). 

  • Contribute copy relating to the Play for publicity and/or education materials such as newsletters, study guides, and the like. Applicant and SoHo Playhouse shall discuss work and deadlines at least two weeks in advance. 

  • Participate, within reason, with Education, Publications, Development, Box Office, and/or Membership Departments in connection with the Play, providing information as requested, with appropriate advance notice. SoHo Playhouse agrees to provide copies to Applicant of all publicity or educational materials and the like in which Applicant contributes copy or research, and archival materials of events in which Applicant participates.

 3. Additional Terms  

If both Applicant and SoHo Playhouse agree mutually to modify the Scope of Work, such that Applicant’s contribution to the project increases significantly, or additional jobs are performed, then both parties agree to discuss modification to Billing and Compensation. Neither Applicant nor SoHo Playhouse will modify Scope of Work without clear, written, mutual agreement.

 4. Property Rights

SoHo Playhouse hereby acknowledges that the artist and/or Playwright is the sole author and owner of the Play, including all contributions made by SoHo Playhouse, free of any liens and encumbrances.

 5. Separate Agreements

SoHo Playhouse acknowledges that if it does not engage in other productions of this project and receives nocredit, Applicant is free to enter into a separate agreement with a new company, director, or producer for credit or employment in subsequent productions.

 6. Not An Employee

It will be understood and agreed by the parties hereto for the purposes of this Agreement that Applicant will be considered an independent contractor, not an employee of the SoHo Playhouse.

 7. Force Majeure

If the Play is abandoned because of an Act of God (i.e., fire, flood, wind, etc.), strike, loss of theater space, or loss of rights to the Play, Applicant shall be paid all fee payments already paid or due as of that date and no further compensation. 

 8. Termination

This contract may be terminated by either party upon two weeks written notice by either party to the other. Neither SoHo Playhouse nor Applicant shall have any further obligation, monetary or otherwise, to each other, other than any provision hereunder that explicitly survives termination.

 9. Choice of Laws

This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada, and court proceedings initiated by either party with regard to this Agreement will take place in Clark County, Nevada.